Monday, August 3, 2009

Evidence-Based Practice

Evidence based practice. You mean nursing is only starting to use EBP recently???! Ehhhh???! when the rest of the world are already ages ahead of us???! I thought I had heard of this term some time ago... Man...

I'm so uninspired to write anything that's of worth these days. So I decided to jot down whatever I learnt from my conference here. Did you know that medication errors killed like 7000 people in the US alone??? That's like, super freaky and scary!!!! OMG!! I found out about the Dennis Quaid incident only today. His twins were given Heparin 10 times the normal dose!!! That's so so so so scary!! You know? ALl these incidences only makes me all the more wary when dishing out medication. It's scary to be a nurse!!!

But in this conference, I like it when they actually said that it's the system's fault when an error occurs. Do you know that filling in the incident report form (for medication error) is like a death sentence for me??? I feel so scared. But yesterday, they talked about consoling the poor nurse who has done a mistake. And suddenly? I feel as though someone understands! Do you know how it must have been like for the poor nurse who gave the Quaid twins that dose of Heparin?? She must have been stumped and shocked! I certainly would have been too numb to work, heck I would have resigned or something!!!

Anyway, Evidence-Based Practice. LOL! Sorry for being super random today. I'm like flying of the shelves! I wonder which hospital in Malaysia will be the pioneer in this field. Nice isn't it if Adventist starts it? But there are too many projects running concurrently this year. And EBP need lots of research and evidence appraisal before a new guideline can be published. And looking for worthy evidence itself is going to be hard. Imagine appraising every piece of research paper for it's grading and looking through the methodology!!! Yuck!!

But I think if a team is doing this, and everyone is passionate about it? It is quite an enjoyable thing! I find it quite appealing ^_^ Oops! need to have dinner now. JCI's coming next year! I'm on the infection control panel (I think) and let's hope I can learn more new things and improve patient care!!

Cheers darls!!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

A Tribute to Mr. Hairdresser

Yosh! Went to the hair salon after some many long months of neglect and abuse towards my hair! Hehe.. I think the last time I cut my hair was before my birthday last year, which makes it almost a year till now, seeing that my birthday is coming soon (hint hint.. :p). Anyway, it wasn't a drastic cut, the same concept but not so layered anymore. He even temporarily straightened it for me! Uwaaa!! I kinda reminisced about my straightened hair for a while, but then naturally wavy hair is just as good ^_^

And I found out (after such a long period of not catching up with the hairdresser friend) that he got a job offer in Belgium!!!! OMG!! Freaking OMG! I'm super happy for him, but still sad that he'll be leaving. It's not for another three months, but still, he is a nice friend and I loved his work (not always, but mostly). His attitude towards hair is impeccable! He treats each customer's hair lovingly and doesn't do a half-past-six job ^_^ Sigh.. I hope to find another person with so much love for his craft as this man does.

Anyway, after a tiring day, it is super nice to sit down on the chair and get tender loving care. Every stroke and tweak on my scalp was sheer bliss, right up till I got my hair washed, scalp massaged, blown dry and straightened. Therapeutic isn't it?? I think I felt a headache forming somewhere back in my brain, but after the wonderful session, it disappeared! Lovely!

Oh well, will enjoy my straight hair for a few hours more, then it's back to work. Hope everyone has a wonderful day as well!! Go check in to a salon for some tender loving care too! And I hope my dear friend will settle down well in Belgium and not munch too much on chocolates :p

Ganbatte kudasai!!!! ^____^

Monday, June 1, 2009

The past

It is true that the past indeed catches up with you. Someone with whom I had a falling out years ago is now admitted in my ward. I felt so scared and anxious when I saw her face this morning. "How do I nurse her?" "Has she forgiven me?" "Will she be mad at me and scream that she doesn't want to be in this ward any longer?" 'What do I do? I can't ignore her forever.. She's admitted here for goodness sake!"

These questions ran through my mind. My heart pumped like there was no tomorrow whenever I stepped into the room. At first I pretended that I didn't see her, but I knew that this can't go on forever. My heart tells me to act professional, but I can't. I felt weird. But to see her in her current condition somewhat broke my heart. Yet I was to scared to approach her.

Sigh... I'm so worried, but I know I can't change anything. Unless I open my mouth of course. And yet, the fear of making her even more miserable overwhelms me. I can't really think right now. I'm such an ass. Really I am.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Johnny Depp's Aspirations

Johnny says that he wants to grow into a man with a beer belly! Oh sigh...... How hot can that man be?? He's so "abnormally normal"! People are trying to avoid the pot belly, but he actually wants it?!

Sigh... I guess celebrities can be anything they want and is still loved.

Coz I like him even more after he said that. Hehe....

Ooh! Honk! If You're Malaysian is such a lovely book! Haha! I could relate to the stories so much (maybe because I'm a typical M'sian) and can even see myself in some of the situations she's written about! Haha! I'm definitely M'sian :p

p/s: I hate PMS..

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Sucky day

Office politic SUCKS. Period.
And colleagues with super big egos suck all the same. Period.
Can't we all just give and take? The world will be a nicer place to live in! Heck, even I will go the extra mile to help someone like that. So why remember past grudges and keep bringing them up?
What a sucky day.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Sudirman Cup: M'sia VS China

I never knew watching a badminton match would provide me with a barrel of laughs. So when I tuned in yesterday night to watch M'sia and China play off in the semi-finals, I laughed so hard, my intestines probably had herniated without me noticing. That hilarious??


First game was mixed doubles, which sucked to the core. Nothing worth mentioning here, so I'll skip to the next game. Lin Dan vs Lee Chong Wei. Woo-hoo! Kick-ass baby, or so I thought. Well, I was hoping our beloved Datuk will kick some ass here. Unfortunately, it turned out to be the other way around. But, it was quite an interesting fight, had not RTM 1 decided to stop the game for the news!!!! DAMN!!! What were they thinking! National pride on the line here, dudes!! Man... So I caught only the first few points from the 1st game, before being RUDELY cut off, and continued again with the second game, in full action. Sigh.......

Oh well... RTM better use some sense next time. Anyway, Datuk Lee still had it in him and at least managed to make Lin Dan run for his money. But I loved watching Lin Dan in action. Boy can he jump! Did China make their players eat jumping beans or sumthin??? And his smashes lived up to their name. Smashing indeed! I would probably have rolled on the floor, broke a toenail, and twisted my neck trying to pick his shots! But no. Datuk Lee flew all around the court, returning every shot (most anyway) and even fell flat and jumping up the next second running around again defending his court! Hats up indeed to him for doing his very best. *filled with national pride suddenly*

But the highlight was the 3rd match!! I don't know whether it was a good game or not, but to me it was!!! This match had me laughing my guts out and holding on to my head (of all the time to get a headache...). Koo Kien Keat/Tan Boon Heong vs Fu Hai Feng/andsomeChineseboyIDon'tevenknowthename-butstilllookshot-damn!


The M'sian pair delivered a game the way only M'sians could, which included some colourful hand signs and some butt-smacking. Phewit!

Well, the M'sian pair started the ball rolling. They quickly caught some points and I thought "A-HA! Finally! Redemption time!" (Obviously, I should not have judged so early..) when the China pair suddenly halted the game and complained of "wind" in their court. And so I was pissed, because they suddenly tried an entire box of shuttlecocks - for reasons not made known to me - and made some unheard comments which, by then made me super pissed because they were such BIG BABIES!!!

So fine, the game started again. And so did the laughing. Koo Kien Keat started to scream everytime he did a jumping smash (I named it so... ^_^). And it was so hilarious! I mean, he had to jump so many times and he screamed every time! LOL! I was so amazed at his vocal prowess! He should play a game with Anna Kournikova. Or wait, was it the other lady?? Whatever. The female player who would scream every time she delivered a shot?? Yeah, that one. And we will have one hell of a shouting match!

And there was once when, I think, Koo KK did a mistake, and flashed his middle finger to his badminton racket! LOL!! And the camera decided to show it, zoomed in and in slow motion! That was priceless dude. Totally..

Another laugh-out-loud moment was when one of the M'sian players (I forgot who), smashed the shuttle right into his friend's ass! LMAO!!! My oh my! And his partner turned around and sort of stared daggers at him, and I totally lost it. Well, obviously the camera decided to repeat that scene again and in slow motion too. Well.......

But we lost anyway in the end. Malaysia 0, China 3. Other than the first match, the other 2 were pretty much good games. Oh well, let's hope there will be one day where M'sia will kick China's ass for good. Until that day, I'll continue to gawk at Lin Dan's biceps and Fu Hai Feng's ass. Damn!

p/s: I forgot that I watched the match with my dad, who provided plenty of "colourful and amazing" narrations. Which would have explained my cackling.. I mean.. laughing...
Good day!!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009


Lala! I'm super happy now coz I've managed to write a nice fanfic! Well, I like what I wrote, so there! :p

I used to love writing, but after school, I just didn't have any inspiration to write. Now that I have some "characters" in my mind, I get to let my imagination run wild and make my characters do silly things again! Wahaha! I'm crazy, am I not?

Oh! I decided to register on twitter and see what's all the hype about twittering. Did that, and I still think Facebook is better. Well, there are plenty of things to do on FB.... And I'm following NajibRazak.. Haha! It's kinda cute to know what the prime minister is doing, don't you think so? I feel important... heh!


Eilyn and Shirls are coming back this year!!! Yay yay yay!!! I can't wait to see my friends again!!