Looks like he did it after all. I meant Obama. The 44th president of the USA. Which will mean the end of the Bush era. I don't know which brings more joy. Watching the 1st african-american man making it, or seeing the end of Bush. However, I do know that this new president will get his pronunciation correctly.
That aside, this really proves that America is really a country where dreams come true. Anything is possible if you decide to make it come true. And I guess the US of A is a really free country. You don't see people getting thrown behind bars for criticizing the president, you don't see people getting jailed for writing articles in the newspaper, and of course, no one gets jailed for holding hands or PDAs (public display of affection).
Oh well, that's in the past. I recently found that foreign politics attract me more than the going ons in my little boleh-land. I actually found myself rooting for Obama (heck, who hasn't) and you-tubing Tina Fey. Heck, I even imagined for a while that Paris (yes, Hilton) will become the next president (weren't her vid clips nice?). So, does that mean that I don't love Boleh-land anymore??
Au contraire. I love it to bits, but the attitude of the politicians are getting to me. Watching the dewan hold a meeting is painfully embarrasing. Name-calling? I haven't done that since goodness knows when! And what else? Walking out in droves just because you can't get your point across and whining about it on national TV?? Hmmm, very matured. Indeed. And these are the selected people who are supposed to lead us?? Yes, you heard me scoffing.
Well, enough of that. I ain't wanna spend my lifetime in jail. Anyway, congrats to obamy (i think it's cute, name calling..) and let's see what change is on the way. Whatever it is, he can count on the world to have our eyes on him. Looks like he got the "rakyat" this time.
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I'm sure obamy likes the nickname too ;P
okie, obamy then he is!
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