The hospital census is full!!! Gosh..everyday the ward will be full and then in the mornings, we will discharge like 10 patients only to admit another 10 new ones. Sigh... Oh well, it's good news actually for the hospital. Business is good and I should be grateful^_^ In healthcare, it really doesn't matter whether the economy is taking a turn for worse or for good. People still come down with diseases and healthcare will still have business! Come to think of it, I think the economic downturn caused more illnesses. People get depressed, more people commit suicide. It all relates to healthcare, doesn't it? More people get heart attacks, more heart patients.
Ok ok! It's terrible to say that, but I think that's kinda true anyway.. Away from depressing topics. I'm trying my hand in writing fanfictions now! It's a story starring the celebrities that you admire or like. It's really fangirl stuff, but I haven't written stories in a while now, so it's kinda fun too! I remember writing silly romance stories ala Mills and Boons, although my stuff isn't as great as theirs. But classmates will read it and laugh! Pretty hilarious times those were:) But none of that stuff now. Just short, nonsensical stuff ^^
And I have a drama to recommend. Last Friends (ラスト・フレンズ ) is a nice human drama who touches on the issues beleaguering the current generation. It touches on domestic violence, sexuality, and a few more issues that some may identify with. Each character carries one issue and we get to see how they tackle it. Check it out if anyone's interested :)
Oh well, till then, cheers!

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