Was browsing through Facebook and I decided to have a look at the CPT page set up by rachel. This was when I stumbled across these wonderful pictures. So credit to Rachel Lim who I think painstakingly researched for these pics.

This is a school assembly from decades ago. The structure of the school has pretty much stayed the same. The pillars and the doors are still here!

A picture of the school taken aeons ago. This school really has stood the test of time eh? It is still standing after the 2 world wars! Thank God the school did not get bombed down by some stroke of misfortune....

Hehe^^ Look as these cute tots posing for school pics! Imagine living in that era. I wonder if any of them are still around??

This is a picture from block A where the form 1 and form 2 classes (my time anyway) were... The church beside our school looked so different from now!! Well, I supposed they have undergone many facelifts.. But I kinda like it in this pic....

Here's a newer pic of block A. Gee.. I wonder what happened to those coconut trees seen in the older pic?? And we have a new nice fence now ^^

Ooh!!! Look! The school being reconstructed! Are they having a priest blessing it?? No wonder it stood the test of time! God is working in this school^_^ That plaque is still there isn't it?? At the front office...

The lovely field. And I notice tall "lalang" growing near the school! Hehe :p Looks like it's PJ(PE) time!

And here's the field now. Looks botak to me... Must be due to years of stampede.. I remember having to patrol block B and looking down on the field during "rounds" in recess time. I thought the school looked beautiful during those silent "me" moments.

And these is the lovely canteen where I fill up my stomach. Hey, we prefects always get to come out early and we most of the time get the choicest food! Hehehe.. I remember during primary school days, many of our classmates will ask us to buy for them food in advanced because we get to go out early... Lovely days!!

Wow!! The toilet looks nicer now! Pots of plants actually decorate it! I think it smells nice, judging from the picture above... Hehehe... I can remember the stench...
These pictures bring me back to schooling days.. Though I somewhat dislike going to school back then, and I really wanted to go to work instead, I really have no idea I would miss it so much now. Friends were always near, 1-stop was even nearer :p and those times were great! I remember sleeping in the school library for prefect's camp... We had to clean it up though.. Tonnes of fun actually! Now they are all cherished memories. If only we can go back and visit memories.
Credit once again to Rachel, from whom I stole these pictures.
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