And here's dear old Pn. Soong. Biology teacher who's also Guru Disiplin. I still think she speaks too soft. But she's no longer in CPT now. I forgot where she's moved to, but she's happy in her new school, and I'm happy for her too! Met her the other day in the market, so we kinda chatted....

Pn. Ooi Poh Choo! I used to think that she and Pn. Jessie (sweet ol' history teacher) looked the same. And I think they're good friends too. I was quite scared of her as she is strict in classes. If you can't answer questions, you have to stand on the chair if I'm not mistaken. But all in all, she's really cool and definitely fashion forward! Haha!!

Pn. Faridah taught us english all the way through. Which meant our great english is 80% thanks to her! She had curly hair all the way through our schooling days, till a day when she got her tresses straightened too! But unlike another teacher, I thought she looked fabulous! She's quite the joker, and I don't think anyone's afraid of her.... I see her once in a while around Penang.

I couldn't resist putting his picture in here although he didn't teach us. He was the only male teacher after Mr. Ng left. But he was much more fun if compared to Mr. Ng. He was pretty handy around the school, being the only male teacher (up till a point..), and so you will find him doing weird tasks at times :) Busy bee indeed!

And who do we have here other than Pn. Patimah Othman?! Mighty in might, small in stature. I still think she's weird... Nothing much to comment about her though.. NEXT!!

Pn. Ooi Chun Yoke! Woo-hoo! She's one interesting teacher! She teaches BM although she talks with Bahasa Pasar instead of the Bahasa Baku^_^ She also teaches Moral, and it turned out to be my worst subject, cause I can't remember the 16 nilai moral! I still think that using the 16 values to sum up morality is weird and kinda stupid actually.. But the syllabus made it so, so.... I guess it's not the teachers' faults... Isn't she cute here?? Hehehe... ^^

Make way for Ms. Yeow Poh Cheng! Our Penolong Kanan HEM (Hal-Ehwal Murid) and a fierce teacher indeed. She punished a few of us for "appearing" on radio when we "disappeared" from school... In our defence, we were young, naive, spirited, and cheeky :p

But, now here is a teacher I don't think I'll ever forget... Who has ever forgotten her???

I remember her with curly hair one day and perfectly straight hair the next. We were in Form 5 then and boy did we laugh at her. I remember that it was around 7 when Mei Kuan ran into the classroom shouting that Pauline has straightened her hair and we all rushed out to see it!! I think we were quite the mean bunch.... Of course I forgot to mention that when she fell down (spectacularly, of course ^^), the whole Form 5 laughed their heads off! And if my memory serves me correctly, she fell down not once, but twice... Oops...
And p/s: she happens to be Febrianna's brother's friend's cousin.... And she was close to Febrie's brother.....
And here's the Karisma 2003 Editorial Board! If you look carefully, you'll notice that Soo Chern's hand is half raised.. The photographer had done somthing and I think Ms. Yap wanted to say "apala you!" and hence the half raised hand.. Haha!! Didn't I mention that CPT is a lovely school???

Cheers people!! XOXOXO
p/s: does anyone still remember how to sing the school anthem?? both the english and malay version??
*credit to rachel again from whom I grabbed these wonderful memories-evoking pics!*
OH-eM-Gee!!! You sneaky little picture stealer you... and I"m derided for being a klepto. huh. Who am I kidding, this stuff is amazing! The pics look pretty old themselves, enough to make me feel old too! ROFL
well.. I don't go stealing from x'mas trees.... well, to cheer you up.. I am still older than you.......:(
so fun! I mean our schooling days. Well Pn Ooi Chun Yoke speaks Hokkien to me all the time. I remember her birthday is the same as Mei Kuan!
i just thought of cpt and started googling and i found your blog.the same teachers that taught you taught us too. its amazing the way you described every teacher as it was the same way as we thought about them... lol esp the nasty thoughts... like for ms. pauline >:) i just finished my spm 2 years ago and i;m missing cpt terribly too.... but now, school seems to be totally different :( not like the old cpt....
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