Title: Chibi Tomapi - Short and sweet (literally)
Pairings: Tomapi
Note: Toma and Pi when they were chibi and cute. On friendship.
Disclaimer: Purely fiction. Nothing to do with Johnny's.
He dragged his heavy and tired body into the small apartment. It was a really lousy day because everything that could go wrong just went wrong and Toma was really down. He made it to the shower and just sat there, really depressed, and annoyed at himself. Funnily, the hostel was really quiet. No one seemed to be home, though somewhere he heard someone snoring. Today he wasn't the funny, cheerful Toma that everyone loved. He was just tried, and plain crappy.
So when Yamapi burst into his room later on, brimming energy and radiating like a sun, Toma nearly snapped at him, though it took all of his will-power not to.
"I'm tired Pi" Toma sighed. He couldn't sleep and his mind kept replaying the day's events, like a broken record. How cruel can life get, Toma mused.
Pi, having sensed Toma's brooding mood, immediately wiped away the silly grin on his face, and gingerly walked over to Toma's bed.
"Is everything ok?"
Toma grunted in response.
Pi understood, and gently climbed into Toma's bed.
"Ne... You can lean on me, you know," Pi said out loud to the big lump of body beneath the covers that belonged to Toma.
Silence still.
Pi took a deep breath and continued. "You always act so strong and carefree. But if you get tired, you can lean on me."
Pi stared intently at the lump on the bed. Taking his silence as permission to go on, Pi gathered courage and removed the layers of linen covering his best friend. There, curled up with his knees to his chest, was a spiritless person in need of warmth and love.
Pi leaned down and looked Toma in the eye. Eyes filled with dejectedness looked back. Yamapi lay down on his side and held Toma tightly. He cradled the older one in his thin, 13 year old arms.
"You don't have to be strong everytime. It's okay to be weak sometime. I'll be strong for us both. You can lean on me... Anytime."
After some time, small Toma gave a soft nod in response. He finally fell asleep in the secure arms of a good and loved friend.
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