Yaayyy!! This is the best and probably the "best-est" (pardon me grammar..) Valentine's Day gift I've ever received, and perhaps one of the unforgettable ones in a long list of V-day gifts (or correctly, gifts-to-come). It was a simple card with a thank you note and "love-you-my-dear-friend" written with lots of love and sincerity in it. Perhaps I was being silly, or just the sheer ecstasy from receiving a V-Day card, but I could not help smiling broadly like some silly teenage girl who was in her throes of puppy love.
Which brought me to think. It was an already proven and much stated fact, but still I will repeat it. That life-long friends are much more precious than men. Girlfriends (or any true friend) will stick with you through thick and thin and share with your ups and downs (sorry for being so cliched). And I also say this as a sort-of testimonial to all those singles out there who will have to sit through those silly, sappy, ridiculously saccharine-sweet Valentine's Day advertorials and movies and gimmicks, come this 14th.
Anyway, single or not, I truly believe that good friends are for live. It's harder finding true friends, than falling in love with Mr.Right. Aye-ye! On a different note (this being the silly 5-year old FANGIRL speaking), I would love to wish Toma-chan, Ryo-chan, and Kei-chan A Very Happy Valentine's Day! Ganbarimasu, especially to dear Toma-chan!
And of course, a very HAPPY AND CHEERY VALENTINE'S DAY TO ALL MY FRIENDS (attached or single alike)!!!

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