Anyway, I recently had a haircut. My friend, who accompanied me, said it was cool. I think it was rubbish. Why would anyone want their hair cut super short and leaving a few strands of long hair hanging down?? I'm a nurse for goodness sake! I need to project a professional image and I can hardly even tie it up properly without the aid of a dozen pins or so! So much for starting the year with a bang..... Look on the bright side, this disastrous hair cut gave me another reason to chop off my hair in a few months time^_^ Hahaha!! I should thank the hairdresser then^_^ Kakaka!
Well, then tonight is the last night of 2008. I'll be working, but I don't mind. Maybe something special will happen. But all in all this was a lovely year. I found Toma, I rekindled my interest in Japanese entertainment, I started my degree with two of my lovely friends accompanying me, and lots more actually ^_^ I wonder what the year ahead will hold for me. It's not scary. No. Not when I have my family and friends surrounding me. I'm sure I'll be fine regardless what it throws me (what can be worse than a disastrous haircut right??). ^ ^
So, heads up to all my lovelies. A toast for the new year, new beginings, new life, new assignments (sigh..), new love, new friends, new adventures, and new haircuts!! Shall we hold a private new year party this time next year?? Hmm... We have a whole year to plan then!
Love, hugs, wet sloppery kisses, and lots of champagne to all my beautiful friends!!